INGESCO PDC lightning rod

Product Name:INGESCO PDC lightning rod
Product Model:PDC 3.1,PDC 3.3,PDC 4.3,PDC 5.3,PDC 6.3


INGESCO PDC lightning rod


INGESCO ESE lightning rod. INGESCO ESE lightning rod, in compliance
with UNE 21186 and NF C-17 102 standards.

ESE system lightning rod, standardized according norm UNE 21.186. Usefull for external lightning protection to all type of constructions.

- Norms of applicaton:

  • UNE 21.186
  • NFC 17.102
  • UNE-EN 50164/1
  • UNE-EN 62.305

- Central shaft and deflection set made in stainless steel. AISI 316.
- Exciter set: epoxy resine.
- 100% of efficacy in discharge capture.
- High level of protection.
- Electric continuity guaranteed. The device doesn’t offer any resistance to discharge conduction.
- It preserves its initial properties after each discharge.
- Not fungible (as it does not include electronic elements).
- It doesn’t need external power supply.
- Operation guaranteed in any atmospheric condition

INGESCO PDC - Radios de protección

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El conocimiento del avance de cebado (Dt) obtenido mediante los ensayos de laboratorio (UNE 21186, anexo C) permite calcular los radios de protección, de acuerdo con las prescripciones establecidas por las diferentes normativas.

En España es de obligado cumplimiento el Código Técnico de la Edificación que para los diferentes modelos del pararrayos INGESCO® PDC da los siguientes radios:

PDC 3.1 PDC 3.3 PDC 4.3 PDC 5.3 PDC 6.3
Referencia Ref. 101000 Ref. 101001 Ref. 101003 Ref. 101005 Ref. 101008
Peso 2.075 gr 3.000 gr 3.200 gr 3.400 gr 3.600 gr
NIVEL I (D=20 m) 35 m 45 m 54 m 63 m 74 m
NIVEL II (D=30 m) 45 m 55 m 64 m 73 m 84 m
NIVEL III (D=45 m) 60 m 70 m 79 m 88 m 99 m
NIVEL IV (D=60 m) 75 m 85 m 94 m 103 m 114 m

En el ámbito internacional, la norma de referencia es la NFC 17 102, que nos da los siguientes radios de cobertura para el pararrayos INGESCO® PDC.

PDC 3.1 PDC 3.3 PDC 4.3 PDC 5.3 PDC 6.3
Referencia Ref. 101000 Ref. 101001 Ref. 101003 Ref. 101005 Ref. 101008
Peso 2.075 gr 3.000 gr 3.200 gr 3.400 gr 3.600 gr
NIVEL I (D=20 m) 35 m 45 m 54 m 63 m 74 m
NIVEL II (D=45 m) 54 m 65 m 74 m 84 m 95 m
NIVEL III (D=60 m) 63 m 75 m 85 m 95 m 106 m
Estos radios de protección han sido calculados para una altura de 20 metros


The specific purpose of the INGESCO lightning rod is to produce ionization directed at the cloud, so that any possible electrical discharge can be
channelled from the very beginning. Between the exciter set, which has the same potential as the surrounding air, and on the other hand, the point and the deflector set, which are both at earth potential, a potential difference is stablished. This potential difference will be greater, the higher the atmospheric potential gradient is, and consequently, when the lightning formation is most likely.


UNE 21186 and NF C-17 102 standards provide an evaluating method, as a result of several studies of lightning protection systems. It compares the early streamer time ( t) induced by an INGESCO ESE lightning rod, to a simple Franklin type lightning rod in the same environmental and placement test conditions.
A relationship between time, propagation speed and, in consequence, the stroke distance and the protection zone,is obtained in determining the value.
The evaluation of the risk of being struck and the structure is protection needs is obtaining following the Appendix B of the standards mentioned above.


- 100% effective in dealing with discharge
- Electrical continuity guaranteed. Carries lightning current without resistance
- NON- Electronic lightning rod ensuring its long life
- Technical qualities remain unaffected after each strike
- With NO Electronics, so there is no risk of melting
- NO External Power supply is required
- Ensuring its effective operation after each lightning strike.
- NO special MAINTENANCE is needed.


The INGESCO lightning rod is manufactured according to the following technical
* It has a double early streamer emission device:
- an early streamer device
- an electroatmospheric condenser
* Materials:
- Main structure made of stainlees steel AISI 316
- Deflector set made of EPOXY resine
Ensuring its effective operation whatever conditions are.


UNE 21.185 Standard
UNE 21.186 Standard
NF C-17 102 Standard
1024-1 CEI Standard


Our company strictly recommends following the International Standards (UNE 21186 and NF C-17 102) to install
our INGESCO lightning rods.


Manufactured since 1984, the INGESCO lightning rod is the first NON Electronic Early Emission Streamer lightning
rod which is in compliance with UNE 21186 and NF C-17 102 Standards.
- Industrial Registry Nº 150032. Ministry of Industrie and Energy
- Function development patent Nº: 526.264.
- Evaluation Test of Air Terminals equipped with an early Streamer Emission device (ESE) . L.C.O.E.
(Laboratorio Central Oficial de Electrotecnia- Central Official Elechtrotechnical Laboratory) Ministerio de Industria
y EnergÌa (España)
- Evaluation Tests of Air Terminals equipped with an early Streamer Emission device (ESE) . LABELEC
(Electrotechnical Laboratory - Spain)
- Test of High Tension Wave Intensity 10/350 (Lightning Wave). Guarantee of running Continuity after 100 KA
Current Impulses. BET (High Tension Laboratory- Germany)
- Certificate of Guarantee of INGESCO EARLY STREAMER EMISSION AIR TERMINALS Insulation (Air
Terminals conforming to UNE 21186). LGAI (Laboratori General d Assaigs i Investigacions - Test and
Investigations General Laboratory - Bellaterra - Spain)
- INGESCO EARLY STREAMER EMISSION AIR TERMINALS homologation certificate by Telefonica España, SA