FURSE ESP Signal SPD SSI mains power supplies and data links

Product Name:FURSE ESP Signal SPD SSI mains power supplies and data links

Protectors for signal and power lines used in solid State Interlocking (SSI) systems 29

To prevent transient overvoltage damage to Solid State Interlocking (SSI) systems, protectors should be fitted in trackside cabinets and equipment rooms, on both the data link and the mains power lines

Product part codes:
ESP SSI/M Use to protect SSI data lines, using ESP SSI/B base unit with ESP SSI/M
ESP SSI/B Use to protect SSI data lines, using ESP SSI/B base unit with ESP SSI/M
ESP SSI/120AC Use to protect single phase mains power supplies of 90-150 volts
ESP SSI/140AC Use to protect single phase mains power supplies of 90-165 volts

Accepted for use on Network Rail infrastructure
Very low let-through voltage (enhanced protection to BS EN 62305) between all sets of conductors - Full Mode Protection (ESP SSI/120AC and ESP SSI/140AC) and all signal lines (ESP SSI/M)
ESP SSI/B modified base unit can be permanently wired into the system
ESP SSI/M plug-in protection module can be replaced without interfering with the operation of the system
ESP SSI/B incorporates a 100 terminating resistance that can be connected if required
ESP SSI/120AC and ESP SSI/140AC are a compact size for easy installation in trackside cabinets and control rooms